
  • categories: vir , martyr , propheta
  • date of birth: after 6 B.C., before 2 B.C.
  • date of death: around 28, around 30, around 32
  • beatification: non-existence
  • canonization: non-existence
  • other Roman Martyrology days: non-existence
  • other memorial days: non-existence
  • order: non-existence
  • order founder: non-existence
  • forenames: Ioannes
  • surnames: non-existence
  • epithets: Baptista

Romae Litaniae minores ad sanctum Joannem in Laterano

Dedicatio Basilicae Lateranensis in Romae
Dedicatio Basilicae Sanctissimi Salvatoris in Romae

Nativitas sancti Ioannis Baptistae

Passio sancti Ioannis Baptistae
Decollatio sancti Ioannis Baptistae