Simon Petrus
  • categories: vir , apostolus , martyr , papa
  • date of birth: ?
  • date of death: around 64
  • beatification: non-existence
  • canonization: non-existence
  • other Roman Martyrology days: 29.06.
  • other memorial days: non-existence
  • order: non-existence
  • order founder: non-existence
  • forenames: Petrus , Simon
  • surnames: non-existence
  • epithets: non-existence

Romae Cathedra sancti Petri Apostoli

Antiochiae Cathedra sancti Petri Apostoli

Romae Litaníae majores ad sanctum Petrum

Romae Litaníae minores ad sanctum Petrum

Vigilia sanctorum Apostolorum Patri et Pauli

Octava sanctorum Apostolorum Patri et Pauli

Petrus Apostolus ad Vincula

Dedicatio Basilicarum Sanctorum Petri et Pauli in Romae